
How to Choose a Professional for Company Secretary Services Singapore

company secretary services

All of the public companies are obliged by the law to have a company secretary that’s tasked with delivering company secretary services. There are requirements and certifications that should be looked into before choosing a company secretary and having knowledge of such is important. Engaging a professional company such as Onestop-ca.com can help with making the process of choosing a professional for delivery of company secretary services Singapore to be much easier.

Before you choose a professional for delivery of company secretary services, you should be well versed with the services that they are expected to deliver and he qualifications that they should have. The person that gets considered for the opportunity should be one that has previously held the position for a period of between 3 to 5 years. The person should be a barrister an advocate or a solicitor of the court and should also be a person of virtue and a high level of integrity.

Company secretary services Singapore range from, maintenance of the company’s statutory books, filing of the company’s annual returns, taking of minutes during general meetings and board meetings. Company secretary services also include an arrangement of meetings for the directors with the shareholders, delivering any vital information concerning the company to the directors and concerned members of the company and other important tasks. The tasks of a company secretary are quite diverse and that’s why it’s vital that you engage the services of a professional.

Choosing anyone that claims to have the qualification without ascertaining if they have what it takes may not be of great help. That’s why it’s important that you work with a professional company such as Onestop-ca.com as they have a team of professionals that have the required qualifications and expertise needed to deliver company secretary services Singapore. The company may once in a while be called upon to deliver various administrative tasks such as administration of share schemes, management of company facilities, office management and other tasks as stipulated by the directors.

It’s vital that a person of great integrity and character be engaged for such tasks as that’s when you can be assured of delivery of quality work. Compromising on the choice of a professional for delivery of company secretary services can also have such a negative impact on a company and might even lead to a company attracting unnecessary fines if the tasks are not executed as per the statutory requirements.

The reason why it’s important to engage a professional firm such as Onestop-ca.com Company when seeking for company secretary services Singapore is due to the fact that you will be assured of engaging a professional that clearly understands their duties. The tasks that are to be executed by a company secretary are quite sensitive and it’s advisable that you engage a person who has a clear understanding of what the tasks are like. Apart from proving that the person you are engaging with has the right qualifications, you also need an endorsement from a reputable company that understands them well.

We hope this blog post was helpful to you.

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